Processing math: 51%

Contact Info

Office Phone:
(internal: x7906)
Snail Mail:
Tal Moran
Interdisciplinary Center
(Reichman University),
P.O.Box 167, 8 Ha'Universita St.,
Herzliya 4610101, Israel

Academic Profile

I am a faculty member in the School of Computer Science at Reichman University (formerly IDC Herzliya).

Before joining Reichman University, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Research on Computation and Society at Harvard University advised by Salil Vadhan.

I did my Phd at The Weizmann Institute of Science under the supervision of Moni Naor.

My research focuses on employing ideas and techniques from theoretical cryptography to design secure systems in the "real world". I'm also interested the foundations of cryptography and the theory of cryptography in general.

A great example of where theoretical cryptography can help in the real world is in the design of crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Spacemesh (whose design is based on my own research). At the heart of every (good) crypto-currency lies a cryptographic protocol for distributed "permissionless" consensus. Such protocols are already being used in the real world, and pose fascinating theoretical questions—with connections to distributed systems, multi-party computation and more.

Another interesting example is the development of cryptographic protocols for "end-to-end verifiable" (E2E), secure elections. In an E2E election, voters can be certain that their votes were correctly tabulated even if they don't trust the computers used to run the election! At the same time, a voter cannot prove to anyone else how they voted, making coercion and vote-buying more difficult.


Conferences (PC Member)

Eurocrypt 2019: May 19–23, 2019, Darmstadt
ACM CCS 2018: Oct. 15–19, 2018, Toronto
ACM CCS 2017: Oct. 30–Nov. 3, 2017, Dallas
CT-RSA 2016: Feb. 29–Mar. 4, 2016, San Francisco
VoteID 2015: Sep 2–4, 2015, Bern
CT-RSA 2014: Feb. 24–28, 2014, San Francisco
Crypto 2013: Aug. 18–22, 2013, Santa Barbara
EVT/WOTE 2012: Aug. 6–7, 2012, Bellevue
VoteID 2011: Sep. 28–30, 2011, Tallinn
EVT/WOTE 2011: Aug. 8–9, 2011, San Francisco
Crypto 2011: Aug. 14–18, 2013, Santa Barbara
CT-RSA 2011: Feb. 14–18, 2011, San Francisco
Crypto 2010: Aug. 15–19, 2013, Santa Barbara
EVT/WOTE 2009 (PC co-chair): Aug. 10–11, 2009, Montreal
WOTE '07: Jun. 20–21, 2007, Ottawa

